I really appreciated the whole process. Specifically setting goals in the beginning, having them hung as great reminders. Having the mental health coach as a part of the team was great. End goal→kids first, non-adversarial. Fabulous!
Attorney at Law
By stevehorn
I really appreciated the whole process. Specifically setting goals in the beginning, having them hung as great reminders. Having the mental health coach as a part of the team was great. End goal→kids first, non-adversarial. Fabulous!
I cannot imagine going through this process with anyone other than you! Your perspective, feisty drive, lightening intellect and understanding buoyed me throughout the entire process.
Nanci A. Smith, Esq. PLLC
28 Day Lane, Suite 10
Williston, VT 05495
(802) 878-8775
*All information displayed on the Nanci A. Smith Esq PLLC website is informational and shall not be deemed as legal advice. If you’re currently dealing with an individual legal situation, you’re invited to contact me through email or by phone. Until an attorney-client relationship has been established, I urge that you avoid sharing any confidential information.